Friday, October 30, 2009

I'd like to say a few words...

I was trying to think today about what I'm going to do for my final series in printmaking. As you all know our themes are what is just and unjust.

What is unjust? Things that are unjust are the things that hurt you, for whatever the reason. Things that make you feel violated, when innocence is stolen, when you feel alone or abandoned. When you have been unjustly wronged, tortured, made to feel vulnerable or scared.

My heart goes out to those who have been treated unfairly everywhere, but at the same time...I have to wonder about the people around me. I think about what some partents say to their children when they don't eat all their food "there are starving children in *blank*" but I always think...there are starving children here.

There are wrongs that are committed here. Children starve and die. People are killed, children are forced to grow up, and people are drowning in darkness. What about them? There are things that go one to the people around you that I think others don't talk about and that should be brought to light. I want to shine a harsh light into the dark, gross cracks in the world around us.

My artwork is sometimes sad and dark which is just the way I like it. The other art I am posting on here is the makeup that I have done and some photographs. Please enjoy and comment.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

First Post

I'm planning on putting up pictures of my artwork, which includes photographs I've taken, makeup I've done, and things that I've drawn. I hope you enjoy them and read about why I've done them.